Sunday, June 4, 2023

How to set up a Lake House environment on local windows system - By Kapil Sharma

To set up a Lake House environment on a Windows 10 laptop using open-source tools, you can follow these general steps:

Install Apache Spark:

Download the latest version of Apache Spark from the official website (

Extract the downloaded archive to a desired location on your Windows machine.

Set up environment variables: Add the Spark bin directory to the PATH environment variable.

Install Apache Hadoop:

Download the latest version of Apache Hadoop from the official website (

Extract the downloaded archive to a desired location on your Windows machine.

Set up environment variables: Add the Hadoop bin directory to the PATH environment variable.

Install Apache Hive:

Download the latest version of Apache Hive from the official website (

Extract the downloaded archive to a desired location on your Windows machine.

Set up environment variables: Add the Hive bin directory to the PATH environment variable.

Install Apache Parquet:

Parquet is a columnar storage file format commonly used in a Lake House architecture.

You can install Parquet by including it as a dependency in your Spark or Hive setup.

Configure Spark and Hive:

Configure Spark: Update the spark-defaults.conf file located in the Spark configuration directory (SPARK_HOME/conf). Configure parameters like memory allocation, executor cores, and other Spark settings based on your system specifications.

Configure Hive: Update the hive-site.xml file located in the Hive configuration directory (HIVE_HOME/conf). Configure database connection details, metastore settings, and other Hive configurations as needed.

Start Spark and Hive:

Open a command prompt or terminal and navigate to the Spark installation directory.

Start Spark: Execute the command spark-shell to start the Spark interactive shell. Verify that Spark is running correctly.

Start Hive: Execute the command hive to start the Hive command-line interface. Verify that Hive is running correctly.

Test Lake House Setup:

Use Spark and Hive to create and query tables from various data sources like CSV, JSON, or Parquet files.

Experiment with Spark SQL and Hive queries to interact with the data stored in your Lake House environment.

Note that setting up a Lake House environment on a Windows machine may have some limitations compared to running it on a Linux-based system. It's recommended to refer to the official documentation of each tool for any specific instructions or considerations related to the Windows platform.

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