Thursday, December 10, 2009

Swing GUI Builder

Swing GUI Builder:

Professional Swing GUI Building

Design Swing GUIs by dragging and positioning GUI components from a palette onto a canvas. The GUI builder automatically takes care of the correct spacing and alignment. Click into JLabels, JButtons, ButtonGroups, JTrees, JTextFields, ComboBoxes and edit their properties directly in place. You can use the GUI builder to prototype GUIs right in front of customers.

Intuitive and Customizable

You can choose whether the GUI code should be generated with fully qualified or simple class names. The help bar displays context-sensitive hints about what can be done with the selected component and suggests shortcuts that can speed up your work in the future. The NetBeans IDE also comes with built-in support for GUI localization and accessibility. If you use JDK 6 Update 10, you can now preview your forms in the new Nimbus look and feel.

Standard and Custom GUI Components

The extensible Component Palette comes with pre-installed Swing and AWT components and includes a visual menu designer. Use the Component Inspector to view a component's tree and properties.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Installing the Qt Framework on Netbeans IDE 6.7

Installing the Qt Framework:

You can download the Qt framework for your Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X platform from

If you are using a Solaris platform, it is possible to build the Qt framework from sources that you can get from the official Qt source code repository. (

Other helpful links for building Qt from source:

After you install the Qt framework, make sure that Qt tools are available from the command line. Typing qmake -v in a terminal should print Qt version information rather than an error message. If qmake is not found, add QTDIR/bin to your PATH environment variable, where QTDIR is your Qt installation directory.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Netbeans IDE 6.7 Qt Toolkit Support.

Netbeans IDE 6.7 Qt Toolkit Support :

Use the Qt application development framework to create Qt files, such as GUI forms, resources, and translations.

 Standard Qt editing tools such as the Qt Designer for form files and Qt Linguist for translations are launched automatically as needed. Qt-specific project properties allow you to fine-tune the generated qmake project file.

Netbeans C and C++

Netbeans 6.7 IDE C and C++ Project Support:

NetBeans IDE includes project types for C and C++ and appropriate project templates. You can work with and create C/C++ applications with dynamic and static libraries, and you can also create C/C++ projects from existing code.

The C/C++ editor supports syntactic and semantic highlighting automatic indentation and formatting (including a choice of formatting styles), bracket matching, code folding, and templates.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

NetBeans IDE 6.7

NetBeans IDE 6.7 : 

Is integrated with Project Kenai, a collaborative environment for developers to host open-source projects. With Kenai and the NetBeans IDE, a team of developers is able to create projects, check out, edit, debug, build, discuss, and commit code, all through one easy-to-use interface!

The release also builds on the success of NetBeans 6.5 with native support for Maven; GlassFish, issue tracker and Hudson integrations; and enhancements to Java, PHP, Ruby, Groovy and C/C++. Highlights of the 6.7 release include support for JavaScript 1.7, Ruby Remote Debugging, and integration of the Java ME SDK 3.0.

Monday, May 4, 2009

JavaFX GUI Overview.

JavaFX GUI Overview:

The JavaFX API enables developers to create UIs that work seamlessly across different devices. The common profile of the JavaFX API includes classes that function on both the desktop and mobile devices. However, you can use additional classes and packages from the desktop profile to take advantage of specific functionality that can enhance desktop applications. 

Common Profile
Desktop Profile

The JavaFX SDK contains the JavaFX Mobile Emulator, a mobile phone simulation. Use the emulator to see how your applications will look on mobile devices. Refer to the SDK Readme file (

/README.html) for more information on the mobile emulator. The following images show how a simple JavaFX application will run on the emulator and in the desktop window. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What to Download for JavaFX on Netbeans.

What to Download for JavaFX on Netbeans :

1.)  Ensure that you meet the system and software requirements. Check that you have the required hardware and available free disk space, and the correct version of the Java Software Development Kit (JDK) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE) prior to proceeding with any of the following installation instructions.

2.)  If you are new to the NetBeans IDE 6.5, download and install NetBeans IDE 6.5 for JavaFX 1.1 (available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X platforms only). 

The NetBeans IDE 6.5 for JavaFX 1.1 is a full-featured development environment that is packaged with the JavaFX Software Development Kit (SDK) and with best practices samples that can help you build your software development project. The installation includes the JavaFX Mobile Emulator, which is currently available only on the Microsoft Windows platform.

3.)  If you already have NetBeans IDE 6.5, update your IDE with JavaFX 1.1 Plugin for NetBeans (available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X platforms only).

The plugins provide the features that support the development of JavaFX applications in the NetBeans IDE. They also include the JavaFX SDK and best practice samples. The installation includes the JavaFX Mobile Emulator, which is currently available on the Microsoft Windows platform only.

4.)  If you prefer command line development, download and install the JavaFX 1.1 SDK (available for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X platforms only). The installation includes the JavaFX Mobile Emulator, which is currently available only on the Microsoft Windows platform.

JavaFX Startup.

What is JavaFX?

JavaFX is a rich client platform for building cross-device applications and content. Designed to enable easy creation and deployment of rich internet applications (RIAs) with immersive media and content, the JavaFX platform ensures that RIAs look and behave consistently across diverse form factors and devices. 

The JavaFX 1.1 platform release includes the following components: 
JavaFX 1.1 SDK which includes the JavaFX compiler and runtime tools, graphics, media, web services, and rich text libraries to create RIAs for the desktop, browser and mobile platforms.

NetBeans IDE 6.5 for JavaFX 1.1 : Which provides a sophisticated integrated development environment for building, previewing, and debugging JavaFX applications. The editor features a drag-and-drop palette to quickly add JavaFX objects with transformations, effects and animation. This IDE also comes with its own set of Building Block samples and the JavaFX Mobile Emulator, a mobile phone simulator.

JavaFX 1.1 Production Suite : Is a suite of tools and plugins that enable designers to export graphical assets to JavaFX applications.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

JavaFX on Netbeans.........


Develop rich applications that run consistently on the desktop, in web browsers, and on mobile devices. 

Use the Update Center (Tools > Plugins) to update or install JavaFX 1.1 in an existing installation of NetBeans IDE 6.5. If you don't have the NetBeans IDE 6.5 installed, download the NetBeans IDE for JavaFX here.

JavaFX Projects :

The NetBeans IDE is the recommended tool to create, test, debug, and deploy JavaFX applications for the desktop, browser and mobile platforms. You have the option of deploying JavaFX projects as Java web start (JNLP), Java Applet, stand-alone applications, or in a mobile emulator. To get started quickly, select File > New Project from the main menu and have a look at our ready-to-run sample projects.  

JavaFX Script Editor:

The JavaFX Script Editor supports syntax highlighting, source navigation, code completion, code folding, javadoc pop-ups, and error detection. You can use the Preview button to display the output of your visual code live. 

The IDE contains code snippets that can be dragged and dropped into the editor: The Palette allows you to quickly add JavaFX objects with transformations, effects and animation to your project.  

Full Mobile Support:

The JavaFX SDK 1.1 now supports JavaFX Mobile. The SDK comes with a JavaFX Mobile Emulator. JavaFX Mobile applications runs directly on the Java Micro Edition platform: Benefit from Java ME's ubiquity, security, and advanced APIs, including support for GPS, cameras, filesystem, networking, and Bluetooth. 

If you already know Java ME, you can re-use existing code and skills. If you already know JavaFX, you can create mobile applications with the same familiar language, APIs, and tools. Everytime you write a JavaFX desktop application with the common profile, you are also writing for mobile devices.  

JavaFX Profiling:

Use the integrated Profiler for standard CPU or memory profiling, or simple monitoring to optimize your JavaFX application's speed and memory usage. The options have been preset to default values by experts, but you can customize settings for a specific application.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Generic Connection Framework

The Generic Connection Framework :

Since the CDC is a superset of the CLDC, it includes the Generic Connection Framework (GCF). Unlike the CLDC, however, the CDC also requires GCF support for two specific connection types: files and datagrams. This makes sense because the CDC includes the file classes from the package and the datagram classes from the package.

It is therefore straightforward for the device manufacturer to write GCF implementation classes that simply map GCF requests (using the file or datagram protocol at the start of a URL) into their and equivalents.

Using the CDC :

Like the CLDC, the CDC is by itself a limited programming platform. Again, because it does not define any user interface classes or implement any I/O models, about all you can do for output is write to the System.out stream, which may or may not be captured to a console or file. The extra classes defined by one or more J2ME profiles are really required to write interactive applications.

Understanding The Connected Device Configuration (CDC)

Understanding The Connected Device Configuration (CDC) : 

The CDC specification defines four things in particular :

The capabilities of the Java virtual machine (VM). Unlike the CLDC, the CDC VM is a full-featured VM. 

A subset, much larger than the CLDC's, of the J2SE 1.3 classes.

The same APIs (application programming interfaces) that are new to the CLDC -- in other words, the Generic Connection Framework (GCF).

Support for file- and datagram-based input/output using both the GCF and the familiar and classes. 

Note that, just like the CLDC, the CDC does not define any user interface classes or how applications are loaded and activated: these are left for the profiles to define.

The Virtual Machine :

The CDC supports a complete, full-featured Java 2 virtual machine (VM) as defined in The Java Virtual Machine Specification. The low-level interfaces for calling native code, connecting to debuggers, and profiling code are optional, but if supported they must be the standard interfaces -- Java Native Interface (JNI), Java Virtual Machine Debugging Interface (JVMDI), and Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface (JMVPI) -- used in Java 1.3.

Note that the CDC does not require preverification of classes, as full class verification is done on the device by the VM. Classes that have been preverified can also be used, of course, since the additional information added to the class files by the preverifier is ignored.

The J2SE Subset :

The subset of J2SE 1.3 included in the CDC consists of classes from these packages:

As you can see, the CDC includes many more packages than the CLDC, and many more classes even in the shared packages. For example, the CDC includes the collections classes from the java.util package, while the CLDC does not.

This makes the CDC a much more J2SE-like environment than the CLDC. There are still classes missing, of course. For example, the package as defined by the CDC only includes the classes related to datagram sockets, not stream sockets.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

What is a Mobile Application?

What is a Mobile Application?

Most mobile applications use the Java Micro Edition (Java ME) platform, which was developed for small devices like mobile phones and set-top boxes. Java ME uses scaled down subsets of Java SE components, virtual machines and APIs.

It also defines APIs that are specifically targeted at consumer mobile and embedded devices. NetBeans Java ME supports the two base configurations of the Java ME platform, CLDC and CDC. 

Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) is for devices with less memory and processing power than CDC-based devices. The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) is based on CLDC and more than two billion MIDP devices are in use worldwide. 

Connected Device Configuration (CDC) is for devices with much greater memory, processing power and network connectivity such as smart phones, set-top boxes, and embedded servers and devices.