Friday, May 30, 2008

Where can I find emulators to use for Mobility projects in Netbeans IDE :

Java ME emulators help developers test applications on multiple devices without actually having to acquire the actual hardware. Most UIQ emulator platforms can be easily registered within the IDE. Even non-UIQ emulators can registered with a bit of extra work. Instructions about adding and changing MIDP emulator platforms in the IDE can be found in the Quick Start Guide. Information about installing CDC emulator platforms can be found in the CDC Emulator Platform Setup Guide.

The Sun Java Wireless Toolkit is bundled in the Mobility and Full installations of the IDE and also available through the Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins menu. Note that the WTK is not bundled with the MacOS X or Solaris distributions of the SDK. (more)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Creating C and C++ Projects :

NetBeans C/C++ support lets you create C and C++ Application and Library projects with generated makefiles, as well as C and C++ projects from existing code.

With a C/C++ Application, Dynamic Library, or Static Library project, the IDE controls all aspects of how your application is built, run, and debugged. You specify project settings when creating the project and in the Project Properties dialog box. The IDE generates a makefile in which all of your settings are stored.

Creating a C/C++ Application Project :

  1. Open the New Project wizard by choosing File > New Project.
  2. In the wizard, select the C/C++ category.
  3. The wizard gives you a choice of four types of new projects: C/C++ Project From Existing Code, C/C++ Application, C/C++ Dynamic Library, and C/C++ Static Library. Select C/C++ Application and click Next.
  4. Create a new C/C++ Application project from the wizard using the defaults. You can choose the name of the project and the location of the project.
  5. Click Finish to exit the wizard.
A project is created with four logical folders. A logical folder is not a directory.
It is a way for you to organize your files and does not reflect where the files are physically stored on disk.

Files added to logical folders are automatically part of the project and are compiled when you build the project.

Files added to the Important Files folder are not part of the project and are not compiled when you build the project. These files are just for reference and are convenient when you have a project with an existing makefile.